Decades of Media Experience
For over 20 years, Precision Media has been producing videos and live events in the San Francisco Bay Area. We provide a wide variety of services including simple company/product stories, multi-camera demos and testimonials, advertisement, live webcasting, and media consulting. We’ve been involved in projects ranging from corporate and engineering videos to educational, religious and even political. There’s nothing our team of experienced production crew can’t handle. Check out a few of our recent projects on our sample videos page.
Contact Us for a quote
Precision Media operates out of the Silicon Valley in California, but produces videos and events worldwide. We’d love to talk with you and discuss your next project.

Our Philosophy
Communication is both art and science. The art is what grabs your customer’s attention and the science is what gets your customer to take a desired action. At Precision Media, we make it our mission to find proper balance in your communication; not just between the art and science, but also balancing what we refer to as the “3 E’s of Success.”
If your project is highly effective and done with excellence, but not efficiently, it will suffer from the high expenditure of time and money. If your project is done efficiently and communicates your message effectively, but isn’t done with excellence, it will leave your customers feeling uneasy about trusting your brand. And if your project is done efficiently and with excellence (looking highly professional), but fails to effectively communicate your message, it’s just a pretty piece of art without purpose. Success is about achieving that perfect balance, and that’s where we live everyday.
Let us help you communicate your message today!
Sample Videos
Check out some of our recent projects